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Minutes 9-16-08
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on Tuesday, September 16, 2008 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Bob Geckle called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

Present: Bob Geckle, Andy Willie, Walt Motyka, Michael Holmes, Don Studley, Amy Dent, John Reed and John Madzula
Absent:  Julia Wasserman.

Also Present:  Joe Borst, First Selectman, Maria DeMarco, DeMarco Management, Amy Mangold, (New Director of Parks & Rec), Ed Marks, Park & Rec., 5 Members of the public and one member of the press.

Public Participation:  Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill Road, directed the following question to Don Studley referencing his Financial Report from the August, 2008. “the amount listed in his report, is that funds that have already been spent?”  Mr. Studley responded that these are unspent/available funds from the original bond.  John Reed added that these figures come directly from the Director of Finance for the Town of Newtown.  

Acceptance of Minutes:  A motion was made by Andy Willie to approve the minutes from the August 19, 2008 meeting.  The motion was seconded by Don Studley.

Bob Geckle and Mike Holmes stated that minor typographical corrections needed to be made to the minutes.

John Reed made a motion to accept the minutes, as amended, from the August 19, 2008 Authority meeting.  The motion was seconded by Mike Holmes.  All in attendance voted unanimously.

Financial:  Don Studley gave an update to the expenditures of the Fairfield Hills Campus.  (See Attached).

Mr. Studley informed the Authority that the first payment was made on the Newtown Savings loan for the parking lot at the Newtown Youth Academy.  There was also an expenditure of $32,000. This covered the cost of renting equipment that the town does not own (i.e. Bulldozers).

Bob Geckle informed the Authority that he and Don Studley were going to meet with Bob Tait, the new Director of Finance of the Town of Newtown to discuss the financial reporting for the Fairfield Hills Campus.

Mr. Geckle asked Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management) why there were variations in the campus expenditures.  Ms. DeMarco stated that one of the variances is the landscape company’s procedures of billing every 45 or 60 days.

Ms. DeMarco also informed the Authority that there will be a bill back to the Newtown Youth Academy for temporary utility use during the building phase of the Academy.  In addition, the Town of Newtown will receive a credit from the Horse Guard for electrical usage during a previous time period.

At this time Bob Geckle requested that they move the Skate Park discussion part of the Agenda ahead of the Operating section.  The Authority agreed.

Skate Park:  Amy Mangold, Director of Parks & Rec, introduced Lori Cappoziello to the Authority.  Ms. Cappoziello is spearheading the fundraising efforts for the development of the Skate Park that has been proposed to be built on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  At this time funds in the amount of $10,000. have been raised for the development of the park.  Ms. Cappoziello stated that she estimates that $50/60,000.00 will be needed for the park and was there to request that the Authority give her more time to raise these funds.  

Ed Marks, Chairman, Parks & Rec commission, stated that Parks & Rec fully supports this effort and requested that the Authority extend the deadline for the skate park.

After a question and answer discussion the Authority agreed to extend the final deadline for raising the required funds to October 1, 2010.    

Operating: Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management) gave an overview of her Property Management Report. (See Attached).

Ms. DeMarco introduced the drawings for the Campus Entrance sign that is proposed for the corner of Wasserman Way and Trades Lane.  The town awarded the bid to Sign Pro, New Britain, CT.   The sign falls within the Landscape Guidelines so no action was required by the Authority.  The planned installation of the sign is mid-October, 2008.  The funds for this sign were encumbered from the 2006/2007 expenditure budget.

Ms DeMarco informed the Authority that a meeting was held today to discuss security options for the Fairfield Hills Campus and that John Reed, a representative from the Newtown Police Department, Fred Hurley and two representatives from the USSecurity Company (campus security) attended.  Ms. DeMarco deferred to John Reed to give an overview of the meeting.

Mr. Reed stated that he would give a quick overview about the proposed idea’s to help increase security around the entire campus.  Mr. Reed stated that one of the options was temporary lighting with the possible use of generators to operate them.  Walt Motyka made the suggestion that solar operated density lights could be used.  Mr. Reed also stated that the use of cell phones by the guard on duty was not as efficient as a radio so it was agreed that there would be training for every guard on the proper procedures for radio use.  Mr. Reed stated that there was significant cooperation from the Newtown Police Department.

Mr. Reed informed the Authority that they have scheduled a follow-up meeting next month and he will report to the Authority what improvements have been made.

Ms. DeMarco finished here report by informing the Authority that the gate at the entrance of the campus will be received from the manufacturer next week with possible installation within that week or at the latest the week of September 29, 2008.

O&G:  Jeff Cugno gave his report to Bob Geckle who then relayed the information to the Authority.  

An Architect has been chosen for the proposed Parks & Rec Center.  The Architect will be hired through O&G who will act as the over all managers for the project.  Mr. Geckle stated that the design portion of the project will be handled through O&G and that the remediation will be done through the Town of Newtown.

Mr. Geckle also stated that there was good news from the Board of Selectman’s meeting from the previous night.  The action to move forward on the new Municipal Office Building was voted on and passed.  

Amy Dent asked if Dave Cravanzola would be the project manager on site during the building of the new Municipal Office Building.  Mr. Geckle stated that Mr. Cravanzola was working at another location and that a new project manager would be put in place.  John Reed stated that it is very difficult if managers are change mid-way through the project.  He suggested that if Mr. Cravanzola could not come back for the duration of the project then the town should request that the person put in his place be required to stay until the project is completed.  Ms. Dent concurred that continuity is critical.

Bob Geckle stated that the Board of Selectmen is responsible for getting a commitment from O&G to guarantee that the project manager chosen for the site stay throughout until completion of the project.

Campus Hours of Operation:  A discussion and possible change to campus hours of access was requested to be added to the Agenda.  The representatives from the Parks & Recreation department were no longer in attendance to the meeting so this discussion has been tabled until the next scheduled meeting of the Fairfield Hills Authority.

Fairfield Hills Trails:  John Reed reported that he had a meeting with Fred Hurley, Director of Public Works and Mr. Hurley gave Mr. Reed a date of September 22, 2008 as the date for the trails work to begin.

Planning Committee Report:

Bob Geckle informed the Authority that he and John Madzula were working on a design for the proposed “Green” of the Fairfield Hills campus and that the Rotary Club of Newtown is planning a Spring Project to help landscape this area of the campus.  Mr. Geckle stated that they will present a design at the next regular Authority meeting.

Funds Update:  Mr. Geckle stated that the Agenda lists a discussion of EPA Grant pre-application notice for purposes of asbestos removal at the Fairfield Hills Campus.  This was done to give public notice and that if any member of the public would like to see the documents they are available in the office of Planning & Community Development.

Mr. Geckle presented a draft of a real estate broker’s agreement.  Mr. Geckle stated that the Town Attorney will modify this agreement to better represent the real estate agreements of the Fairfield Hills Campus.  A proposed 5% broker fee is suggested.  At the next regular meeting of the Fairfield Hills Authority Mr. Geckle will have the revised document that will have to be approved by the Authority.

Mr. Geckle also informed the Authority that there is a meeting on Thursday, September 18, 2008 to discuss the infrastructure of the Fairfield Hills Campus.  All three selectmen will be in attendance along with several members of the Authority.  

Adjournment:  A motion was made by Don Studley to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Andy Willie.  

The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m.